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Our Sisterhood


 Words can't describe the feelings that surround the Delta Zeta sisterhood.  Each sister has a story of a time when our sisters' unconditional love and support held us together and helped us through a tough time.  They are there for it all -- the fun times, the bad times, the times you stay up until six in the morning laughing, and the times you stay up until six in the morning crying. 

Delta Zeta sisterhood is so many things.  It is a shoulder to cry on, an inside joke, a girl's night out, a bond over our favorite sports, an "I love you" followed by an "I love you more" and, on top of everything else, it is an everlasting bond. 

My name is Nirvanie Persaud and I have the honor of being Delta Zeta’s Sisterhood Chair! Along with Savy Lang, we plan events every month to allow girls to bond and get to know each other in a less formal setting. Sisterhood is extremely important to me and to Delta Zeta because it’s what builds our friendship in Delta Zeta. Once initiated in, there will be girls you naturally see more often and talk with on a daily. Sisterhood events help our sisters connect with people they don’t get to see every day and allow us to grow together as a chapter. My favorite memory would be the Sisterhood retreat! In February we had a retreat to a beautiful lake house where we bonded all weekend long. Savy and I got to plan the bonding activities throughout the weekend. It made me feel closer to all of my sisters and I was so happy that Savy and I played a part in that. Having a strong sisterhood is so important to a chapter. It allows us to be compatible when functioning as a chapter and develops friendships that will last a lifetime. 

- Nirvanie Persaud

A Letter From our Sisterhood Chairmen


Hi! I’m Savy & I am Delta Zeta’s Sisterhood chair along with my sister Nirvanie. Being Sisterhood chair means so much to me because it’s not just about getting to plan events every month, but to plan events with the mindset of growing our bond among sisters. Delta Zeta highly values sisterhood and that’s another huge reason I ran home to them; it’s so fulfilling to be a part of a chapter that puts their sisterhood bond at such a high priority. My favorite memory being Sisterhood Chair ao far would have to be the Sisterhood Retreat we had this past February. It gave us all a chance to get out of the city and see our chapter from a new perspective, as well as getting to bond with people who we may not of bonded with if not pushed out of our comfort zones a little bit. I’m so excited to continue working  with my amazing sister Nirvanie and to see what this year has in store for Sisterhood and Delta Zeta as a whole! 

Savy Lang


I'm so lucky to have u as my big! ur such a fun person to be around! literally the best ever! love u! wish i could give u a hug right now!

- Haley P


I love u so much..... it actually brings me pain.. I know you're going to do amazing on your exams :-) im always so proud of you!!

-Hannah W


my best friend forever <3 will always be thankful for fall 18 bid day whenwe isntantly became besties. u are such a girl boss i cant wait to watch u achieve all your hopes and dreams ily 


Gracyn & Sara,

hi fam!! i love you guys so much i cant even believe it<3 thank you guys for just being the best love you forevaa

-sierra w

 Caroline T,

I LOVE YOU!!! UR AMAZINGG!!! ur so beautiful inside and out <3 I hope you have an amazing week



We have a tradition at the end of each chapter meeting, where we read notes collected throughout the week. The notes are to and from our sisters, and we call them "sunshines". Here is a small glimpse into our sisterhood.


thank you for all you've contributed to our chapter over the last four years. your influence is incredible and your legacies will live on for years to come - thank you being our big sisters



I am SO happy we got to hang and grab some coffee.. let's plan something soon <3



Hii honey..I know this semester has been hard but I am so so SO proud of all that you have accomplished and you should be too. You are more capable than you will ever know and there is not doubt in my mind that you will make next semesters yours! I love u so much


Abby Gracie and Talajiah,

hey FAM!! lets do something before the new year together. i love yall so much!! KISSES MWUAH



I have a friend crush on you. you're so beautiful.




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